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Corporate Social Responsibility
As a company we believe that our success is measured not only by the profit we make and the revenue we earn but also by how much we are able to give back to the environment & society. The positive contribution we can make to the lives of individuals and the environment through good business is equally important to our long-term success. It doesn't matter whether the contribution is small or large but what matters is that we make some difference by doing our bit and give something positive & valuable back to the community right. Since its inception, NEC Corporation India has been firmly committed to addressing the global challenges of environment conservation and education.
Since we became NEC Corporation India (the wholly owned subsidiary of NEC), we realigned our goals to NEC's CSR vision which focuses on : Nature, Education & Community.
We are a part of NEC's "Make-a-Difference Drive (NEC MDD)" which is a volunteer activity that all NEC group companies participated on world wide basis. NEC Corporation India contributes to a wide variety of social welfare initiatives for the realization of enriched society.
The CSR team at NECI consists of a young and energetic team of individuals consisting of core members and volunteers who work tirelessly towards the fulfilment of CSR objectives given below:

- Giving back to the community by assisting the less privileged
- Supporting and participating in community initiatives
- Working towards environment conservation
- Supporting the spread of education
- Ensuring safe and good working conditions for all employees
Composition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee
Mr. Aalok Kumar- Member (Chairman, President & CEO)
Mr. Mayank Khandelwal- Member (Whole-time Director & CFO)